News Archive
November 2011
Dalk einde van Kimberley se Flaminke - Volksblad - 16 November 2011
Skok oor dam - Volksblad - 17 November 2011
The demise of Kamfers Dam - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 18 November 2011
Municipality dismisses flamingo claims - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 18 November 2011
October 2011
Sol kicks off dam rescue plan - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 14 October 2011
September 2011
Noodplan om hoof-spoorlyn te red - Volksblad - 23 June 2011
Oorspoelde treinspore by Kamfersdam kwel - Volksblad - 21 June 2011
July 2011
Company saves rail from water - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 6 July 2011
January & February 2011
Flamingo breeding not in the pink as nursery dam floods - Star - 12 February 2011
Flooded rail - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 9 February 2011
Disaster at Kamfers - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 11 February 2011
City island goes under - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 12 January 2011
September 2010
Mr. 'Flamingo' Fixit - Mail and Guardian - 24 September 2010
August 2010
A breeding island for Lesser Flamingos at Kamfers Dam, Kimberley, South Africa - Bull ABC Vol 17 No 2 - August 2010
June 2010
Save the Flamingo Association won a Mail & Guardian Greening the Future Award, commendation (second place) in the Not for Profit Category:
Pecking a fight - Mail and Guardian - 4 June 2010
April & May 2010
Sol gets a zero for waste water - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 30 April 2010
Kamfers dam on the brink of collapse - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 30 April 2010
Flaminke dalk tuiste kwyt - Volksblad - 1 May 2010
No help for birds - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 5 May 2010
Water quality woes imperil Kimberley's flamingos - Mail and Guardian - 7 May 2010
January 2010
Historical event nests at Kamfers Dam - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 27 January 2010
October & November 2009
Anderson wins again - Volksblad - 12 December 2009
Department loses appeal - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 15 December 2009
October & November 2009
Flamingo breeding in South Africa under threat - - 28 October 2009
Flamingos are in deep due to rising sewage levels - Saturday Star - 31 October 2009
Water level threatens birds - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 3 November 2009
Lesser Flamingo chicks drown as
island floods - STFA media release - 4 November 2009
Last moments on camera - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 5 November 2009
Ekologiese ramp: Flaminkies versuip - Volksblad - 5 November 2009
Kamfers Dam bungling is a triple tragedy - The Weekender - 7 November 2009
Floods drown chicks, wreck homes - Saturday Star - 7 November 2009
Plan to save flamingos - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 10 November 2009
LUR ontken dat sy Gods water laat loop - Volksblad - 10 November 2009
Ramp laat kollig weer val op kleinflaminke se lot - Volksblad - 11 November 2009
August 2009
Mark Anderson wins court case - Volksblad - 1 August 2009
Ex-MEC guilty- DFA - 3 August 2009
MEC, department head slated for ignoring interdict - Cape Argus - 4 August 2009
Homevale Sewage Treatment Plant neds urgent upgrade -housing developments on hold - DFA - 6 August 2009
Flamingo activist wins legal victory over government - Saturday Star - 8 August 2009
Millions were pumped into dam, says Sol - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 26 August 2009
Doomsday looms for city dam - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 26 August 2009
Kimberley se flaminke bedreig deur stygende water - Koerantberigte - 26 August 2009
Kommer oor Kamfersdam se bedreigde kleinflaminke - Die Burger - 27 August 2009
May 2009
Mark Anderson in court - Volksblad - 30 May 2009
April 2009
North Gate to go ahead:
North Gate is a go (Front page)- DFA - 15 April 2009
Development takes off (Article) - DFA - 15 April 2009
March 2009
Bird's-eye view of flamingos - Getaway - March 2009
Webcam installed to watch flamingos - Environmental Management - 2009
28 January - 19 February 2009
World can watch antics of flamingos - Mail & Guardian - 13-19 February 2009
Voels nou deur kamera bekyk - Noordkaap - 4 February 2009
Residents threaten to braai endangered birds - The Star - 3 February 2009
From the frying pan into the fire for flamingos - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 3 February 2009 & Front page
Birds put a new spin on reality television - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 28 January 2009
11-14 January 2009
Flamingo update - Carte Blanche - 11 January 2009
For the world to see - Noordkaap - 14 January 2009
11 December 2008
Water shocks - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 11 December 2008
25 November - 4 December 2008
Flaminkkuikens broei uit - Volksblad - 25 November 2008
Pitter-patter of little feet on flamingo isle - DFA - 25 November 2008
Special delivery on man-made island
By John Yeld
Cape Argus, 28 November 2008
Flamingo chicks hatch - Sunday Independent - 3 December 2008
Flamingos breed again - Noordkaap - 3 December 2008
Plants operate over maximum capacity - DFA - 4 December 2008
11-13 November 2008
Dept of Tourism, Environment and Conservation gives thumbs up and issues a positive Record of Decision for the Northgate development
Northgate record of decision
Northgate gets thumbs up - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 11 November 2008 & DFA front page
Developers must deliver - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 12 November 2008
Appel kom teen Northgate-besluit - Volksblad - 13 November 2008
19 September 2008
Most municipal sewage plants below standard, says minister - Business Day - 19 September 2008
Mark Anderson has won the 2008 AEWA Waterbird Conservation Award for his contribution to flamingo conservation. Read more about this award at
28 August - 2 September 2008
The Save the Flamingo Association is extremely pleased to see that its campaign is having many successes. The Association firmly believes that the recent moratorium on any further developments in Kimberley (until the Homevale Sewerage Works is upgraded) is a direct result of the campaign. Despite years of discussion and negotation, there had been no progress until the Save the Flamingo Association commenced with its campaign. The Association is grateful to the many people who have signed the petition and donated funds towards the campaign. The battle is however far from over, and the desired end result is a sewerage works which can adequately cope with Kimberley's sewage water.
A webcam has been installed on the Kamfers Dam flamingo breeding island. The state of the art camera has pan, tilt and zoom functions, and there are also infra red lights (for nightime viewing) and a microphone. Initially, only refresh images are available (See "Flamingo" link on, but it is anticipated that live streaming images will be available once band width problems have been resolved. The camera and other infrastructure was sponsored by Nedbank, Ekapa Mining, Africam and Nugen. The project is also done in collaboration with several people and organizations, including the Booth family, BirdLife South Africa, the Save the Flamingo Association and the Flamingo Environmental Trust.
Here are some news items over this period:
Waste puts city on hold - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 28 August 2008
Council unaware of monatorium - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 02 September 2008
15-21 August 2008
Here are various news items over this period:
Flaminke kuikens kan vrek - Volksblad - 15 August 2008
Concern after suspension of NC scientists - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 15 August 2008
Government axes flamingo crusaders - Saturday Star - 16 August 2008
Geskorste voelkundige kry hoe pos - Volksblad - 16 August 2008
Top bird man grounded - Sunday Independent - 17 August 2008
Cartoon - Sunday Independent - 17 August 2008
Letters to the DFA - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 18 August 2008
Calls sound for Flamingo dam probe - IOL - 19 August 2008
ACDP calls probe - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 20 August 2008
Northgate steun flaminke-veldtog - Volksblad - 20 August 2008
Developers confirm scientist complaint - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 21 August 2008
Flamingo row: Officials 'under house arrest' - Mail & Guardian - 21 August 2008
Flamingo Fallout - Africa Birds & Birding - August / September 2008
14 & 15 August 2008
See these letters regarding the news on 12 & 13 August:
Letters to the Editor - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 14 & 15 August 2008
12 & 13 August 2008
"In the latest government shock move, three senior staff members have been suspended from the Department of Tourism, Environment and Nature Conservation in the Northern cape.."
'Bird men' put on ice - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 12 August 2008
Widespread outcry from wildlife societies and conservation organisations about suspension of Mark Anderson and colleagues ...
Bird man quits - Diamond Fields Advertiser - 13 August 2008
3 Amptenare geskors - Volksblad - 13 August 2008
26 July 2008
Kamfers Dam media release - Volksblad - 26 July 2008
24 July 2008
City's flamingos make headlines worldwide - Diamond Fields Advertiser 24 July 08
Letters to DFA 22 & 24 July 2008 - Diamond Fields Advertiser
Top Mayor Leaves - Headline - The Sun 22 July 2008
Kimberley mayor resigns - The Sun 22 July 08
11 July 2008
Here is the latest Save the Flamingo Association media release
14 July 2008
Dam fills up with sewage - Diamond Fields Advertiser, 14 July
12 July 2008
See the following links for more international media coverage:
10 July 2008
Here is the latest RSPB press release
BirdLife International has voiced concern about the plight of Kamfers Dam’s flamingos. See:
See this link for more media coverage in the UK:
Battle ... of the big pink birds! - Daily Sun 10/07/08
9 July 2008
Here are some more links to the latest media coverage:
Letters to DFA editor - Diamond Fields Advertiser 09/07/08 - Part 1
Letters to DFA editor - Diamond Fields Advertiser 09/07/08 - Part 2
Mayor objects to objections - Noordkaap 09/07/08
Mayor outcry - Diamond Fields Advertiser 09/07/08
Ontwikkeling sal nie voels verjaag - Volksblad 05/07/08
It is not only Kimberley’s sewerage works which is malfunctioning. The Matjhabeng Municipality (located in the Free State [Welkom area], South Africa) has been given 30 days by Ms Lindiwe Hendriicks, Minister of Water Affairs Forestry, to sort out its Witpan Sewerage Works. She described their sewerage works as an “emergency situation”. The Matjhabeng Municipal Manager was given 30 days to compile an action plan, otherwise face prosecution according to the Water Act (and a possible fine or 5 year imprisonment) (see Volksblad [1 July 2008 and 3 July 2008]). It is perhaps time for Ms Hendricks to pay a visit to Kimberley!
Also see what the Sol Plaatje Municipality Mayor had to say on Carte Blanche!
Here are the links to the open letter to the Sol Plaatje Municipality Mayor, as well as the background information given to him:
Letter to the SPM Mayor
Background info for the SPM Maypr
Read comments on the Carte Blanche programme which was screened on M-Net on Sunday 29 June 2008 at:
The following sites are supporting our campaign:
First Facebook group
Another Facebook group
“…the situation in many municipalities is dire, and must be addressed as a matter of urgency.”
Excerpt from a speech made by Mrs L.B. Hendricks, Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa
“Other important area to address is the municipal waste water treatment plants. The responsibility for the running of the waste water treatment plants rest with municipalities. Here the responsibility of my Department is to play an oversight role. We have done an audit and found that the situation in many municipalities is dire, and must be addressed as a matter of urgency. The pollution in some of our rivers can be directly linked to failure on the part of these municipal waste water treatment plants, and there is no denying that some of these plants are in poor condition.”
South African Parliament, 11 March 2008
“The strength of our legislation and regulations will be tested where we find municipalities that are unwilling to respond to our calls for compliance.”
Excerpts from a speech made by Mrs L.B. Hendricks, Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry, South Africa
“A few weeks ago I made a statement to Parliament to discuss the concerns about the potential for a ‘water crisis’ in South Africa; and there I highlighted some of the challenges that we face as a country. While I do not believe that these challenges can be categorised in the form of a ‘crisis’ such as we have experienced in the energy sector, they are of concern to me, and require attention. Challenges that I highlighted include infrastructure management; drinking water quality, particularly in the rural areas and smaller towns; the need to increasing the efforts to address pollution of our rivers; the skills limitation within the sector; the impacts of urbanization; and climate change.”
“The question we must ask ourselves is, is our legislation and our policies strong enough to address these challenges?”
“After some thought what is clear to me is that our legislation and policies provide an excellent framework within which we should be able to systematically address these various challenges. It is therefore not surprising that very often our debates have mainly been about how best to implement these policies. And while after ten years of the National Water Act and 11 years of the Water Services Act there are invariably areas that could be improved, I am however doubtful that any review would result in fundamental changes.”
“What this tells us is that “half the battle is won” and to address the challenges in the water sector we must apply ourselves to increasing efforts on developing and implementing the regulations, filling the gaps, and establishing the necessary structures. Professionals also need to respond by providing the necessary tools to ensure that these policies are implemented effectively.”
“Of course it is important to note that even in a situation where we are able to show high level of compliance with norms and standards - there is, as I reported to Parliament, a small percentage of municipalities that do not comply with our standards. Non compliance can result in the loss of lives and requires an urgent response. The Mayors of the municipalities that have been identified through our monitoring system as consistently not complying would have received a letter from me a few days ago, where I informed them of the serious consequences of their non-compliance and requested their urgent intervention and response.”
“The strength of our legislation and regulations will be tested where we find municipalities that are unwilling to respond to our calls for compliance and continue to place their communities and the most vulnerable in those communities at risk.”
“A second case to consider is the state of our rivers. Over the years we have had a number of programmes aimed at monitoring the health of our freshwater resources, and some of you would have been involved in this initiative in different contexts and at different levels. One such monitoring programme is the River Health Programme which assists us with assessing and understanding the status of our water resources. Recently, my Department has started bringing in the aspect of voluntary monitoring in the form of the Adopt-A-River initiative. What becomes important is how we expand the programme and integrate the information from this programme with other data collected on the quality of fresh water so that we are able to apply it when we take on and fine polluters. Coherency is therefore required in our regulations for the Waste Discharge Charges and our scientific data where we analyse and record the state of our rivers.”
WISA 2008 Conference, Sun City, North West Province, South Africa, 19 May 2008
“The new breeding island …….. is arguably the single most important flamingo conservation project to have taken place anywhere in the world in recent years.”
Comments by Dr Brooks Childress, Chairman, IUCN-SSC/Wetlands International Flamingo Specialist Group, on Kamfers Dam’s flamingo island
“The new breeding island in Kamfers Dam, planned by Mark Anderson and built by Ekapa Mining for the near-threatened lesser flamingo, is arguably the single most important flamingo conservation project to have taken place anywhere in the world in recent years. This species is believed to be declining throughout its range, primarily due to loss of suitable habitat, but also because of its irregular breeding patterns and lack of suitable breeding sites. There are only five other confirmed regular breeding sites throughout its vast range from West Africa to India, and from Ethiopia to South Africa, and only two others in southern Africa. If left undisturbed, this new breeding island should have a significant beneficial effect in stabilising the southern African population of this species.”
Slimbridge, United Kingdom, 11 June 2008